Hawaii High School Sports

FAQs Regarding Athletic Participation:

What does my child need to participate in athletics at James Campbell High School? 

  1. Physical Examination - HIDOE Form, not expired, must be completed by physician and signed

  2. Concussion Management Program Form - completed and signed

  3. Parent Consent Release Form - completed and signed

  4. BOE 2.0 Grade-point-Average (GPA) requirement to participate in Co-Curricular Activities

  5. Attend a Parent/Athlete Mandatory Risk Management Video Meeting

  6. Read and Understood the Parent Athlete Handbook. Download the copy below.

  7. Sign the Athletic Participation Acknowledgement Form - turn in to sport Head Coach

  8. Student Publication/Audio/Video Release Form

Where can I get the pre-participation forms listed above?
The Sports Physical, Concussion and exemption form, and Consent/Assumption of Risk are available on the Athletic Website (under FORMS AND DOCUMENTS), or at the school front office (A-2).

When are these forms due?
Pre-participation forms must be completed and on file with our Athletic Health Care Trainers prior to ANY participation in team activities.  This includes preseason training/conditioning, practices, and games/contests. No exceptions.  

Do I need to complete these requirements only once?
The Physical is good for one calendar year from the date of the exam.  The Parent, Consent, Release, and Assumption of Risk Form is required for EACH sport your child wishes to participate in and is good for that sport in that respective school year.  You cannot list multiple sports on one Consent Form.

Tip:  We recommend that you have your athletic physical completed during the summer so that it would be good for the entire school year.

My insurance only covers one physical per year upon my child’s birth date: 

a) Can my child participate until they can get an appointment?

b) Can the doctor’s office write a note that allows my child to participate until the physical appointment?

NO to both a and b.  The DOE mandates that a current athletic physical be on file with the school’s Athletic Health Care Trainer.  We are unable to deviate from this mandate.

My child is an out-of-state transfer and has received a physical prior to moving, Will these forms suffice?
No. All forms turned in are required to be HIDOE forms. You may fax the HIDOE Sports Physical form (located under Forms and Documents) to your former provider to fill out and fax over to: (808) 689-1255 Attn: Athletic Health Care Trainer. You will then need to sign the appropriate forms.

My child is 18 years old do they need parental signatures on the Physical or Consent Forms?
As long as the student is 18 at the time of the submission of these forms then no parent signature is required.  Verification of age is required prior to the acceptance of these forms.

Does my child need medical insurance to participate in athletics?
No, BUT it is highly encouraged that you have medical insurance for your child in the event they should get injured while participating in athletics.

What sports are offered at Campbell?

Air Riflery, Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cheer, Cross Country, Football, Girls Softball, Girls Water Polo, Golf, Judo, Paddling, Soccer, Soft Tennis, Swimming & Diving, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball and Wrestling.